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"Leaders, Equipped, & Anointed in Dance!"

Founder, Owner, & Director of LEADance Alliance Ltd. Co

About LEAD Alliance

We are a Christian Dance Company focused on unifying dance through equipping, mentoring, supporting, and building a foundation in technique, creative & interpretive movement, and worship arts!

Students of ALL ages are taught positive, noncompetitive dance styles incorporating flags, streamers, and other instruments to produce pageantry that will bring change to the lives of those who experience it!

LEAD Alliance is a dance company does the work of the Kingdom of God, as we understand that each individual has been called, appointed, and chosen to lead movement in creative ways! Whether it's Prophetic movement, creating choreography, mime movement, intercession, warfare, creating unique garments or flags, teaching children dance, biblical foundational teaching, or more... we offer you the space to grow and learn, going  from passion to purpose every movement at a time!

Here at LEAD Alliance, we are "Unified in Faith, Intentional in leadership, Unapologetically anointed, Actively Serving, and Kingdom minded!" Although we strive for excellence in what we do, we DO NOT require auditions, only a desire to learn and a teachable spirit!  We understand that not everyone is on the same level of dance, all of us must desire to learn and grow in the same direction (which is up), from faith to faith and glory to glory! 

Remember, We don't just learn the importance of dance, we minister it!


LEAD Foundational Scripture

11 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers.
12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.
13 This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth.
15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.
16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

Ephesians 4:11-16 

"If we are really going to change the world, then we must get connected to other world changers, so that we can identify the anointing we need in our lives."

Sarah Jakes Roberts


"I Don't just dance, I Minister!"
- Elder Jermillia Ballenger


LEAD Alliance Founder

Elder. Jermillia Ballenger wears many hats as an ordained minister of the gospel, a teacher, an armorbearer, a leader, and most importantly; a mother; Jaylen (Kim), J'vion, J'kobi,  2 adorable grandboys (Dallas and Dax)' and a dog named Diesel! She has been dancing and leading dance & worship arts ministry for  over 27+ years. God has chosen and gifted her to be effective and versatile in many areas worship  throughout the years, which have lead her into a higher call in ministry. God gave her the vision  for LEAD Alliance back in 2014 for the purpose of uniting, supporting, ministering, and equipping dance ministries and leaders for the work of ministry and to draw others to Christ Jesus.  Elder Jermillia runs Power of Praise Dance Academy, where she mentors, leads, and trains  students, that have a passion and an open mind, how to effectively bring glory to God through the art of movement.  She believes that you should never stop learning or growing in your God-given gifts, and she seeks to further her knowledge through personal study and as well as to learn through others who are also passionate in the ministry of movement! Elder Jermillia has studied, trained, and obtained several certifications in her many years in the worship arts ministry.   Some of her certifications include Prophetic Dance Ministry,  Advance Worship & Arts Ministry, Business & Marketplace Ministry Leadership (The Commissioned Global Network), Dances of the Supernatural (Eagles Institute TEN Network), 3 levels of the Prophetic Shift Dance Program (Wave 13 graduate),  and have taken various technique courses in Ballet & Modern (Lynn Hayden-Dancing For Him)… just to name a few! Elder Jermillia currently serves as the Prophetic Shift Coordinator for North Carolina under the mentorship of Apostle Joy Anton and she continues to expand her knowledge, through the living Word of God, as she helps mentor others.  Elder Jermillia resides in Greenville, SC and  is a member of We Are One In the Spirit WOM. Her Pastors are Chief Apostle Dr. Michael and Prophetess Dr. Jennie Lock. She actively serves as in several leadership roles and doesn't plan on slowing down any time soon! She lives to glorify God, and to do His will.


LEAD Alliance Accountability Leaders


Apostles Jeremy and Onisha Goldsmith

Jeremy and Onisha Goldsmith are an ordained apostolic and prophetic ministry team, dedicated to equipping the body for the work of the ministry. The Goldsmiths have over 30 years of combined ministry experience, serving in multiple roles, including Youth Pastors, Creative Arts Ministry Directors, Bible Teachers, and Praise & Worship Leaders. They have hosted various arts and business conferences that cater to the needs of movement artists, musical artists, visual artists, marketplace ministers and creative entrepreneurs. The Goldsmith are the founders of Commissioned Global Ministries, an apostolic ministry dedicated to teaching, training, sending, and supporting ministers in the body of Christ. Commissioned Global is indeed a global ministry in the making with several GO Teams ready to assist! These teams consists of a Discipleship Team, Outreach Team, Prayer Team, Arts & Worship Team, and a Community Service Team! Commissioned Global Network, formerly known as, Commissioned School of Creative Purpose, has an online school that provides Biblical Teaching | Creative Training | Practical Application in General Ministry, Worship & the Arts, and Business & Marketplace Ministry courses. Apostles Jeremy and Onisha's overall mission is to build up and bring out the best, of those they are called to serve in the body of Christ. For more info, you can go to their website at  www.commissionedcscp.or

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